I’m Back…Or I Will Be Soon…

Did you miss me? Probably not. I’ve been gone so long that I doubt anyone even remembers I was here in the first place, but the good news is, I am back. I was so pleased at how my blog gained popularity over the few months of last year when I was most active, but then life got in the way and I went off and did a masters degree and had many sleepless, stress-filled nights, that I simply didn’t have time for this anymore. I am now a month away from handing in my dissertation, and a month away from returning to normal life. I’ve therefore decided to schedule a few posts for the next month until I come back properly.

Despite not posting reviews, I have actually managed to read quite a few books this year. Although I’m nowhere near last year’s tally, I’ve managed 13 books since January, not including my recent re-read of the entire Harry Potter series. That means I’ll have 13 reviews to post at some point in the next few weeks.

I’ll leave this here for now, and say I hope you welcome me back into the book blogger community, and forgive my absence!