This or That Book Tag

I wasn’t tagged in this, it just looked like fun.

The Rules:

  • Mention the creator of the tag (Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks).
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you! (Me, I tagged myself!)
  • Choose one of the options, you don’t have to tell the reasons why you chose that but you can also do them if you want to.
  • Tag some people to do this tag to spread the love!

1.Reading on the couch or on the bed?

If anything, I read in the bath, but if I had to choose, I’d go for the couch (sofa). I prefer to be propped up a bit when I’m reading, so I struggle to get comfortable in bed. Having said that though, I can only read on the couch if there’s no-one else around and the telly isn’t on. I’m really bad at getting distracted, so unless it’s a book I’m really in to, I need peace and quiet – this is one of the main reasons why I normally read in the bath!

2.Male main character or female character?

This isn’t a huge issue for me, but I suppose I prefer female characters, especially if it is written in first person. For obvious reasons, I find them much easier to relate to and absorb myself into. I don’t think I’ve ever not enjoyed a book because the protagonist is a certain gender.

3.Sweet snacks or salty snacks when reading?

I don’t really eat when I’m reading because I like to hold the book with two hands, and hate getting greasy fingers on the pages, but I’d rather have crisps or something salty.

4.Trilogies or quartets?

I don’t really read many series, but I did when I was in my teens. Of those I have read, I often find the fourth book in a series is more of a tag on to the success of the original trilogy, simply for the money. They are rarely necessary, and in some cases have ended up ruining my perception of a series by being so bad. If anyone know any good quartets though, send them my way.

5. First person point of view or third person point of view?

I feel like I can absorb myself into the book better if it’s written in first person, but I don’t mind either. First person books tend to be much quicker reads for me, but most of my favourite books are written in third person. I think it’s often easier to appreciate the prose more if it’s written in third person, as it allows the author to really go for it regarding description. I often find myself getting more annoyed at characters in first person books, mainly because they have to set the scene somehow, and end up using language that wouldn’t normally be used in normal conversation.

6. Reading at night or in the morning?

I usually read in the evening, after I get home from work. Mainly in the bath, but the past couple of days I’ve been taking advantage of the sunny weather by reading in the garden instead. At the weekend, if the house is quite, I like to curl up on the sofa in my pyjamas with a cup of tea and spend all morning reading. Overall, I don’t think i have a preference; I just read when i have time to.

7. Libraries or bookstores?

Bookstores. I really appreciate libraries, but I do love to own my books and have them prettily arranged on my shelves. I am a big supporter of libraries though, and think they are extremely important, particularly for those unable to afford their own copies of books, and for children who should be encouraged to read as much as humanly possible.

8. Books that make you laugh or make you cry?

I’m not a massive fan of comedy books. I suppose I have a very particular sense of humour and I worry that I’m not going to find it funny. The books that make me cry usually make it onto my 10/10 list, so I definitely prefer sad books. I think it’s easier for an author to make you laugh than cry.

9. Black book covers or white book covers?

Looking through all the books I’ve read recently, all the covers seem to be black or dark blue, maybe because I tend to read thrillers and darker books. Really, I have no preference! That is simply coincidence.

10. Character driven or plot driven stories?

I’d rather have both! If I had to pick, I prefer good characters that I really care about. Characters can make or break a book, even if the plot is a good one, especially if it’s written in first person and the protagonist is very annoying, as I’ve experienced in a couple of books I’ve read recently.

I tag anyone that fancies having a go! Make sure you post a link in the comments if you do steal this, so I can have a read.

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